Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Retrieved my copy of On Writing… I have a full life, but I’ll find some way to make my writing dream work.
I know, the best way to get better is to WRITE.
It’s still good to have a guide or two from the best.
I never get tired of this view.
Lake Seneca, NY
Pastel Friday, 6:03 a.m.
I’m hanging out the driver’s side of my CX-5 yelling “I voted!” #PAprimary 🗳️
<img src=“https://cdn.uploads.micro.blog/101479/2023/3f86dfd91f.jpg" width=“600” height=“600” alt=“Photo of a “I voted” sticker that is stuck on my steering wheel.">
Sometimes, science fiction is best read analog.
Early 📷
Big event today. My design is literally everywhere. Even being worn. Crazy feeling.
One road leads to a little city, one leads to the biggest city.